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Drafting Merit Badge Pamphlet   Drafting Merit Badge


Requirements were REVISED effective September 1, 1993.
To see the current requirements, Click Here

  1. Format four sheets of drawing paper (or two sheets of paper if you are completing requirement 3) with proper borders and title blocks for your projects.
    1. Make a rough sketch of your project drawings to determine the correct size of paper to format.
    2. Using single-stroke vertical or slant Gothic lettering, fill in all important information in the title block sections of the formatted paper.
    Complete requirement 2 or 3 for your drawing projects.
  2. Prepare two of the following pencil drawings for reproduction, using two of the formatted sheets of paper and being sure to fill in the title block information.
    1. Architectural: Make a rough sketch of a room. From it, maker a finished scale floor plan. Using conventional symbols, show all openings, equipment, lights, and safety devices. Use an architectural scale size.
    2. Mechanical: Make a scale drawing of some piece of craft work or interesting object. Use the orthographic projection technique to show at least three views. Use dimension lines to show the actual size.
    3. Electrical: Draw a simple schematic of a radio or electronic circuit. Properly print a bill of materials of the major electronic parts of the radio or circuit. Use standard drawing symbols for the electronic components.
  3. Using a CAD (computer-aided drafting) system, prepare and plot one of the drawings in requirements 2a, 2b, or 2c. Create the format (border and title block) on the computer before starting the drawing.
  4. Using a formatted sheet of paper, prepare an isometric drawing of something not drawn in requirement 2 or 3. On the drawing, list which instruments you used.
  5. Lettering: Using single-stroke vertical or slant Gothic lettering, describe in forty words or less why CAD is used in a particular industry (aerospace, electronics, architectural, or other). Use the 8+-by-11-inch formatted sheet.
  6. Describe the three most common methods of reproducing pencil drawings. Describe one method of reproducing a computer drawing. Make copies of one of your drawings using one of these methods.

BSA Advancement ID#: 42 
Requirements last updated in: 1993
Pamphlet Publication Number: 00000
Pamphlet Stock (SKU) Number: 33262
Pamphlet Revision Date: 1993

Worksheets for use in working on these requirements: Format
Word Format PDF Format

Blanks in this worksheets table appear when we do not have a worksheet for the badge that includes these requirements.

Page updated on: May 08, 2022

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