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These were the REQUIREMENTS before the REVISIONS made on January 1, 2005.

To see the current requirements Click Here

  1. Show that you know first aid for injuries or illnesses that could occur while canoeing, including hypothermia, heatstroke, heat exhaustion, dehydration, sunburn, insect stings, tick bites, blisters, and hyperventilation.
  2. Do the following:
    1. Identify the conditions that must exist before performing CPR on a person. Explain how such conditions are recognized.
    2. Demonstrate proper technique for performing CPR using a training device approved by your counselor.
  3. Before doing the following requirements, successfully complete the BSA swimmer test. Jump feet first into water over your head in depth, swim 75 yards or 75 meters in a strong manner using one or more of the following strokes: sidestroke, breaststroke, trudgen, or crawl; then swim 25 yards or 25 meters using an easy resting backstroke. The 100 yards or 100 meters must be swum continuously and include at least one sharp turn. After completing the swim, rest by floating as motionless as possible.
  4. Do the following:
    1. Name an point out the major parts of a canoe and paddle.
    2. Know canoeing terminology.
    3. Explain and demonstrate canoe kneeling and sitting positions and the proper use for each position.
    4. Review and discuss BSA Safety Afloat, and demonstrate the proper fit and use of personal flotation devices (PFDs).
    5. Demonstrate how to load and secure equipment in a canoe.
  5. With a companion and using a properly equipped canoe:
    1. Properly carry, launch, and get into the bow of the canoe from dock or shore (both, if possible).
    2. Paddle 100 yards on one side only in the bow position using a single-blade paddle. Turn underway and return to shore or dock showing proper form and use of the bow or power stroke, diagonal draw, and quarter sweep. Repeat while paddling on the other side.
    3. While paddling on one side only in the bow position, demonstrate how to hold water and stop. Show proper form and use of the push away, pullover, reverse sweep, and backwater. Repeat while paddling on the other side.
    4. Change places with your companion while canoe is afloat.
    5. Paddle 100 yards on one side only in the stern position. Turn underway and return to shore or dock while maintaining course and giving proper signals to your companion. Show proper form and use of the stern (the J stroke). Repeat while paddling on the other side.
    6. While paddling on one side only in the stern position, demonstrate how to hold water and stop. Show proper form and the use of the push away, pullover, reverse sweep, and backstroke. Repeat while paddling on the other side.
    7. As bow paddler, make a proper landing and get out of the canoe while following directions from your companion. Repeat in the stern position giving directions to your companion.
    8. Store canoe properly.
  6. While on deep water with a companion, fully dressed and wearing proper PFD:
    1. Jump safely out of the canoe. Get back in without capsizing.
    2. Capsize the canoe, get back in, secure all loose gear, and paddle the swamped canoe 25 yards. Go overboard from the swamped canoe and swim, tow or push the swamped canoe 50 feet.
    3. Empty the swamped canoe in shallow water.
  7. Demonstrate solo canoe handling:
    1. Launch from shore or pier (both, if possible).
    2. Using a single-blade paddle and paddling only on one side, demonstrate proper form and use of the forward stroke (J stroke), forward and reverse sweeps, backwater, stop, pullover, push away, inside and outside pivots, and sculling. Repeat while paddling on the other side.
    3. While paddling on one side only, paddle a 50-yard course making at least one turn underway and one reverse of direction. Repeat while paddling on the other side.
    4. Make a proper landing at dock or shore (both, if possible). Store canoe properly (with assistance, if needed).
  8. While alone in a canoe on deep water and wearing PFD, jump safely out of the canoe. Get back in without capsizing.
  9. With a companion in your canoe and while giving instructions to persons who have capsized a canoe in deep water, empty the swamped canoe over your own canoe and assist the persons in reboarding the emptied canoe.
  10. Discuss:
    1. General care and maintenance of canoeing equipment.
    2. How to rig a canoe for sailing.
    3. The difference between river (moving water) canoeing and lake (flatwater) canoeing.

BSA Advancement ID#: 33
Pamphlet Revision Date: 1998
Requirements last updated in 1998

Page updated on: May 08, 2022

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