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These were the REQUIREMENTS before the REVISIONS
made on January 1, 2005.
To see the current requirements
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Click here for the previous
- Show magnetic attraction and repulsion. Make and use a simple
- Explain the difference between a direct current and an alternating
current. Tell the common uses of each.
- Make a simple drawing to show how a chemical cell and an
electric bell work.
- Explain why a fuse blows or a circuit breaker trips. Tell
how to find a blown fuse or tripped circuit breaker in your
home. Show how to change the fuse or reset the circuit breaker
- Explain what overloading an electric circuit means. Tell
what you have done to make sure your home circuits aren't overloaded.
- Demonstrate how to repair a plug on an appliance cord.
- Show how to rescue a person touching a live wire in the
home. Show first aid if the person is unconscious from electrical
- Show on a floor plan of a room in your home the lights,
switches, and outlets. Show which fuse or circuit breaker protects
- Read an electric meter. Figure an electric bill from meter
- Explain 10 electrical terms such as volt, ampere, watt,
ohm, resistance, potential difference, rectifier, rheostat,
conductor, ground, circuit, or short circuit.
- Do any TWO of the following:
- Connect a buzzer, bell or light with a battery. Have
a key or switch in the line.
- Make and run a simple electric motor (not from a kit).
- Build a simple rheostat. Show that it works.
- Build a single-pole double-throw switch. Show that it
- Hook a model electric train layout to a house circuit.
Tell how it works.
BSA Advancement ID#: 43
Pamphlet Revision Date: 1999
Requirements last updated in 1995 and 1996
Page updated on:
May 08, 2022