This Merit Badge
(or Emergency Preparedness MB)
is Required to earn the Eagle Scout Rank
REQUIREMENTS were Completely REVISED as of January
1, 2001.
Click Here for the OLD
Note that these changes removed
the specific requirement for earning Swimming Merit Badge as a prerequisite
for this badge.
- Before doing requirements 2 through 15
- Complete Second Class requirements 7a through 7c and First
Class requirements 9a through 9d.
- Second Class requirements 7a through 7c
- Tell what precautions must be taken for a safe swim.
- Demonstrate your ability to jump feetfirst into
water over your head in depth, level off and swim 25
feet on the surface, stop, turn sharply, resume swimming,
then return to your starting place.
- Demonstrate water rescue methods by reaching with
your arm or leg, reaching with a suitable object, and
by throwing lines and objects. Explain why swimming
rescues should not be attempted when a reaching or throwing
rescue is possible, and explain why and how a rescue
swimmer should avoid contact with the victim.
- First Class requirements 9a through 9d:
- Tell what precautions should be taken for a safe
trip afloat.
- Successfully complete the BSA swimmer test.
- Demonstrate survival skills by leaping into deep
water wearing clothes (shoes, socks, swim trunks, long
pants, belt, and long-sleeved shirt). Remove shoes and
socks, inflate the shirt, and show that you can float
using the shirt for support. Swim 50 feet using the
inflated pants for support, then show how to reinflate
the pants while using them for support.
- With a helper and a practice victim, show a line
rescue both as tender and as rescuer. (The practice
victim should be approximately 30 feet from shore in
deep water).
- Swim continuously for 400 yards using each of the following
strokes in a strong manner for at least 50 continuous yards:
front crawl, sidestroke, breaststroke, and elementary backstroke.
- Explain the following:
- Common drowning situations and how to prevent them.
- How to identify persons in the water who need assistance.
- The order of methods in water rescue.
- How rescue techniques vary depending on the setting and
the condition of the person needing assistance.
- Situations for which in-water rescues should not be undertaken.
- Demonstrate "reaching" rescues using various items such as arms,
legs, towels, shirts, paddles, and poles.
- Demonstrate "throwing" rescues using various items such as lines,
ring buoys, rescue bags, and free-floating supports. Successfully
place at least one such aid within reach of a practice victim 25
feet from shore.
- Show or explain the use of rowboats, canoes, and other small
craft in performing rescues.
- List various items that can be used as rescue aids in a noncontact
swimming rescue. Explain why buoyant aids are preferred.
- Perform the following equipment-based rescues for a conscious
practice subject 30 feet from shore. Use a proper entry and
a strong approach stroke. Speak to the subject to determine his
condition and to provide instructions and encouragement.
- Present a rescue tube to the subject, release it, and escort
the victim to safety.
- Present a rescue tube to the subject and use it to tow the
victim to safety.
- Present a buoyant aid other than a rescue tube to the subject,
release it, and escort the victim to safety.
- Present a buoyant aid other than a rescue tube to the subject
and use it to tow the victim to safety.
- Remove street clothes in 20 seconds or less and use a non-buoyant
aid, such as a shirt or towel, to tow the subject to safety.
Explain when it is appropriate to remove heavy clothing before
attempting a swimming rescue.
- Explain the importance of avoiding contact with an active victim
and describe lead-and-wait tactics.
- Perform the following nonequipment rescues for a conscious
practice subject 30 feet from shore. Begin in the water from
a position near the subject. Speak to the subject to determine his
condition and to provide instructions and encouragement.
- Provide a swim-along assist for a calm, responsive, tired
swimmer moving with a weak forward stroke.
- Perform an armpit tow for a calm responsive, tired swimmer
resting with a back float.
- Perform a cross-chest carry for an exhausted, passive victim
who does not respond to instructions to aid himself.
- In deep water, show how to escape from a victim’s grasp on your
wrist. Repeat for front and rear holds about the head and shoulders.
- Perform the following rescues for an unconscious practice
subject at or near the surface 30 feet from shore. Use a proper
entry and strong approach stroke. Speak to the subject and splash
water on him to determine his condition before making contact. Remove
the victim from the water, with assistance if needed, and position
for CPR.
- Perform an equipment assist using a buoyant aid.
- Perform a front approach and wrist tow.
- Perform a rear approach and armpit tow.
- Describe how to respond if a victim submerges before being reached
by a rescuer, and do the following:
- Recover a 10-pound weight in 8 to 10 feet of water using
a feetfirst surface dive.
- Repeat using a headfirst surface dive.
- Demonstrate knowledge of resuscitation procedures:
- Describe how to recognize the need for rescue breathing
and CPR.
- Demonstrate proper CPR technique for at least 3 minutes
using a mannequin designed to simulate ventilations and compressions.
- Demonstrate management of a spinal injury:
- Explain the signs and symptoms of a spinal injury
- Support a face up victim in calm, shallow water.
- Turn a subject from a facedown to a faceup position while
maintaining support.
- Show that you know first aid for other injuries or illnesses
that could occur while swimming or boating, including hypothermia,
heat reactions, muscle cramps, sunburn, stings, and hyperventilation.
Note: Alternative requirements for the Second Class and First Class
ranks are available for Scouts with physical or mental disabilities
if they meet the criteria listed on page 13 of the Boy Scout Requirements
book, No. 33215D.
BSA Advancement ID#: 9
Pamphlet Revision Date: 2000
Requirements last revised in 2001