This Merit Badge
is Required to earn the Eagle Scout Rank
These were the REQUIREMENTS before the REVISIONS
made on January 1, 2005.
To see the current requirements
Click Here
- Describe your community to your counselor giving:
- Short history
- Cultures and ethnic groups
- Major places of employment. What is the future of your
- Mark or point out on a map of your community the following:
- Chief government buildings.
- Fire station, police station, and hospital nearest your
- Schools, churches, and synagogues near your home.
- Main highways to neighboring cities and towns.
- Nearest railroads and bus stations and airport, if any.
- Chief industries or other major places of employment
- Historical and other interesting points.
- Do the following:
- Chart the organization of your local or state government.
Show the top offices and tell which are elected or appointed.
- Name the political parties in your community government
and list four persons active in the politics of your community
and what positions they hold.
- Attend ONE:
- County or parish board meeting
- City council meeting
- School board meeting
- Municipal, county, or state court session.
- After visiting the governmental meeting, obtain a copy of
that body's published budget. Review the major sources of income
and expenses for its operation with your counselor.
- List the services your community provides to the citizens
in return for the taxes paid by you and your parents.
- Select a city, county, or school problem or issue under
consideration from the local newspaper or news broadcast and
write a letter expressing your views to the mayor, administrator,
or school board president. Show this letter and any response
to your counselor.
- List and describe the work of five volunteer organizations
through which people in your community work together for the
good of your community.
- Tell how to report an accident or an emergency in your community.
- List five ways you can demonstrate good citizenship in your
community, religious institution, school, or Scouting unit.
BSA Advancement ID#:
Pamphlet Revision Date: 1993
Requirements last updated in 1984