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Explorer Code
The text of the Explorer Code of the Boy Scouts of America,
expressing the ideals to which all Explorers (boys and girls ages
14-21 registered in the Exploring Div. of the BSA) should be
dedicated, is:
"As an Explorer ---
I believe that America's strength lies in her trust in God and
in the courage and strength of her people.
I will, therefore, be faithful in my religious duties and will
maintain a personal sense of honor in my own life.
I will treasure my American heritage and will do all I can to
preserve and enrich it.
I will recognize the dignity and worth of my fellow men and
will use fair play and goodwill in dealing with them.
I will acquire the Exploring attitude that seeks the truth in
all things and adventure on the frontiers of our changing
Source: "Sea Exploring Manual", (c) Boy Scouts of
America, 1987.
This page was created by Bill
Nelson. Pack 878, Tempe District, Grand Canyon
Council. Please let me know of any corrections.