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The following bibliography was taken from Bowman, Michael F. and James Bryant, A Scout's Duty to God and Country 4th ed., Gilwell Spirit Press, 1996. This material is copyrighted to the authors and may not be reproduced in print or in electronic form without the express consent of the authors. You may use the information directly from this web page, but you may not republish this information on a mirror web page or distribute it as a handout.
Aftican Methodist Episcopal Church, Scouting in the Aftican Methodist Episcopal Church (AME Church, 4300 Tacoma Blvd, Okemos, MI 48864-2767 1-517-349-1824).
American Bible Society, The New Testament and Psalms in Today's English Version, 4th ed. (Scouting Edition), No. 02694 (1977) (Available at Scout Shops).
American Legion, Commission on Americanism, Let's Be Right on Flag Etiquette (1990).
Association of Baptists for Scouting, Fact Sheet, No. 7-314.
Association of Baptists for Scouting, God and Country: A Program for Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Explorers Who Are Baptist, No. 77-033 (1991).
Association of Baptists for Scouting, Membership Application, No. 77-326.
Association of Baptists for Scouting, United in Service, No. 77-306.
Association of Unity Churches, Education Department, Recommendation for the Distinguished Youth Service Award: A Recognition Program for Adults of Unity, No. 1640.
Association of Unity Churches, Education Services Division, God In Me Instruction Book, No. 1610.
Association of Unity Churches, Education Services Division, Light of God Instruction Book.
Bahá'í Committee on Scouting, Unity of Mankind Program: Tiger Cubs and Cub Scouts (Ages 6-10).
Bahá'í Committee on Scouting, Unity of Mankind Program: Boy Scouts (Ages 10-14).
Bahá'í Committee on Scouting, Unity of Mankind Program: Varsity Scouts and Explorers (Ages 14-20).
Bahá'í Committee on Scouting, Unity of Mankind Program: A Program of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States (1989).
Baptist Supplement to God and Church
Boy Scout Relations Committee, General Church of the New Jerusalem, The Open Word Award
BSA, Chaplain’s Guide for Scout Camps (No number or date)
BSA, Insignia Guide, No. 003064 (1994).
BSA, Audiovisual Service, A Bridge to Faith, No. AV-004VHS (Evangelist Billy Graham).
BSA, Audiovisual Service, Exploring and Your Youth Ministry (67 Slides), AV-498.
BSA, Audiovisual Service, My Son, the Scout (Video Tape), No. AV-006.
BSA, Audiovisual Service, Religious Emblems, No. AV-661R (slides & script on emblems available from all faiths).
BSA, Audiovisual Service, The Challenge: The Catholic Church and Scouting (Slides), No. AV-67 and audio cassette AV-675C.
BSA, Audiovisual Service, The Twelfth Point, No. AV-949 (Filmstrip), AV-849C (Cassette) (Summer camp chaplaincy).
BSA, Exploring Division, Exploring and Your Youth Ministry: Any religious institution, No. 23-542 (1990).
BSA, Exploring Division, Exploring and Your Youth Ministry: AME, AME Zion, CME, No. 23-541 (1990).
BSA, Exploring Division, Exploring and Your Youth Ministry: In Cooperation with Baptist Churches, No. 23-540 (1991).
BSA, Exploring Division, Exploring and Your Youth Ministry: Church of the Nazarene, No. 23-535 (1990).
BSA, Exploring Division, Exploring and Your Youth Ministry: Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), No. 23-542 (1990).
BSA, Exploring Division., Exploring and Your Youth Ministry: In Cooperation with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), No. 23-536 (1991).
BSA, Exploring Division, Exploring and Your Youth Ministry: Lutheran, No. 23-538 (1990).
BSA, Exploring Division, Exploring and Your Youth Ministry: United Church of Christ, No. 23-543 (1990).
BSA, Exploring Division, Exploring and Your Youth Ministry: United Methodist, No. 23-537 (1990).
BSA, Exploring Division, United Methodist Youth Ministry and Exploring, No. 17-212 (1983).
BSA, Exploring Division, Youth Group Exploring: A Program of Youth Ministry Under the Presbyterian Auspices for Local Congregations in Liaison with National Association of Presbyterian Scouters (NAPS), No. 23-867 (1992).
BSA, Exploring Division, Youth Ministry Exploring Folder, No. 5-938 (Replaces 5-878)
BSA, Philmont Scout Ranch, Eagles Soaring High: Trail Worship for Christian, Muslims, and Jews, No. 5-877 (1994)
BSA, Relationships Division, A Bridge to Faith flyer, No. 77-011.
BSA, Relationships Division, A Complete Youth Program: Scouting in Synagogues, No. 15-128 (1988).
BSA, Relationships Division, A Complete Jewish Education: Scouting in the Jewish Day School, No. 15-219 (1989).
BSA, Relationships Division, A Scout Is Reverent Poster, No. 5-225.
BSA, Relationships Division, Activity Guide for Tiger Cubs of Jewish Faith, No. 15-230.
BSA, Relationships Division, Aleph Program for Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts, No. 3184A (1991).
BSA, Relationships Division, An Activity Guide for Tiger Cubs of Jewish Faith, No. 15-230.
BSA, Relationships Division, A Suggested Guide for Scouting Units in Baptist Churches, No. 77-035.
BSA, Relationships Division, Aleph Program for Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts, No. 3184A (1991).
BSA, Relationships Division, An Activity Guide for Tiger Cubs of Jewish Faith, No. 15-230.
BSA, Relationships Division, Baptist Unit Award of Excellence Application, No. 77-328.
BSA, Relationships Division, Baptists and Scouting - We Need Each Other (Chip Turner), No. 77-075
BSA, Relationships Division, Bishop’s Dinner for Scouting, No. 16-134 (Roman Catholic).
BSA, Relationships Division, Calendar of Religious Dates, No. 5-204 (1996).
BSA, Relationships Division, Chaplains' Guide in Scout Camps (Now Section 6 of Camp Program and Property Management), No. 20-920.
BSA, Relationships Division, Conducting Scout Sabbath Services, No. 15-208.
BSA, Relationships Division, Decals (NCCS Emblem in green and white), NO. 16-142.
BSA, Relationships Division, Eagle Scout Scholarship Application, No. 15-253.
BSA, Relationships Division, Flag of the Jewish Committee - BSA, No. 15-188.
BSA, Relationships Division, Exploring and Your Youth Group, No. 23-534 (Jewish).
BSA, Relationships Division, Fact Sheet: Association of Baptists for Scouting, No. 77-314 (1990).
BSA, Relationships Division, Fact Sheet: Scouting for Catholic Youth, No. 16-409 (1996).
BSA, Relationships Division, Fact Sheet: Scouting for Lutheran Youth, No. 2-545 (1995).
BSA, Relationships Division, Fact Sheet: Scouting for Presbyterian Youth, No. 2-966 (1995).
BSA, Relationships Division, Fact Sheet: Scouting in Churches of Christ, No. 2-577 (1995).
BSA, Relationships Division, Fact Sheet: Scouting in the Islamic Community, No. 2-928 (1992).
BSA, Relationships Division, Fact Sheet: Scouting in Protestant Churches, No. 2-545 (1995).
BSA, Relationships Division, Fact Sheet: Scouting Serves the Jewish Community, No. 2-547 (1989).
BSA, Relationships Division, Find Adventure, Join the Boy Scouts of America. (formerly a Jewish Relationships publication).
BSA, Relationships Division, God and Country Program, No. 5-400 (1990).
BSA, Relationships Division, God and Service (Protestant) Recognition for Adults (nomination), No. 17-107 (1990).
BSA, Relationships Division, Good Shepherd Cross and Staff Application and Information (adult recognition), No. 77-062.
BSA, Relationships Division, Guide for Rabbis and Jewish Chaplains at Camp, No. 15-121.
BSA, Relationships Division, Hanukkah Program Suggestions for Scouts and Explorers.
BSA, Relationships Division, Holiday Program Suggestions for Cub Scout Leaders, No. 15-133.
BSA, Relationships Division, Holiday Program Suggestions for Tiger Cub Partners and Cub Scout Leaders, No. 15-240 (Jewish).
BSA, Relationships Division, Hatsofe (Newsletter).
BSA, Relationships Division, Introducing a Program of Religious Education for Baptist Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Explorers, No. 77-027.
BSA, Relationships Division, Islamic Scouting Fact Sheet, No. 2-928.
BSA, Relationships Division, The New Scouting Emphasis: A Resource for Jewish Community Center Programs, No. 15-215 (1992).
BSA, Relationships Division, Jewish Holidays - Dates and Explanations, No. 15-117.
BSA, Relationships Division, Jewish Relationships Service order form, No. 15-107.
BSA, Relationships Division, Jewish Religious Service for Scouts and Explorers.
BSA, Relationships Division, Jewish Tiger Cub Big Ideas.
BSA, Relationships Division, Keeping the Sabbath While Camping.
BSA, Relationships Division, Knights of Columbus Eagle Scout Certificate, No. 16-203.
BSA, Relationships Division, Kosher Food at Scout Camp.
BSA, Relationships Division, Kosher Food in Scouting, No. 15-247.
BSA, Relationships Division, Lamb Award (Lutheran) Recognition for Adults (nomination), No. 17-303 (1990).
BSA, Relationships Division, LDS Exploring Guide for Leaders of Explorer Posts Chartered to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, No. 34634 (1992) (This publication is an outline to be used with the Aaronic Priesthood Priest Study Course, LDS Activity Book, Aaronic Priesthood Quorum Guidebook, Explorer Leader Handbook, and the BSA Fieldbook.
BSA, Relationships Division, Light Is Life Record Book, No. 16-402.
BSA, Relationships Division, Lutheran Living Faith: Please see BSA, Supply Division.
BSA, Relationships Division, Maccabee Emblem for Tiger Cubs, No. 7163 (1988).
BSA, Relationships Division, Mission and Plan of Cooperation and Organization of NCCS, No. 16-151.
BSA, Relationships Division, Maccabee Emblem for Tiger Cubs, No. 7163 (1988).
BSA, Relationships Division, Monthly Program Themes for Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts of Jewish Faith, No. 15-231A.
BSA, Relationships Division, Monthly Program Themes for Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts of Jewish Faith, No. 15-231B.
BSA, Relationships Division, Monthly Program Themes for Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts of Jewish Faith, No. 15-231C.
BSA, Relationships Division, Monthly Program Themes for Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts of Jewish Faith, No. 15-231D.
BSA, Relationships Division, Monthly Program Themes for Boy Scouts of Jewish Faith, No. 15-232.
BSA, Relationships Division, Ner Tamid Award Record Book.
BSA, Relationships Division, Ner Tamid News Bulletin.
BSA, Relationships Division, Ner Tamid Award Record Book.
BSA, Relationships Division, Ner Tamid News Bulletin.
BSA, Relationships Division, Opportunities Unlimited: Council Jewish Committee on Scouting, No. 15-248 (1989).
BSA, Relationships Division, Organizing New Units in Catholic Parishes, No. 16-159.
BSA, Relationships Division, Organizing The Council Catholic Committee, No. 16-160.
BSA, Relationships Division, Philosophy Statement, No. 5-202 (1990).
BSA, Relationships Division, Pope Pius VI National Unit Recognition, No. 16-169.
BSA, Relationships Division, Program Planning Guide, No. 16-168 (Roman Catholic)
BSA, Relationships Division, Promoting Scouter Development, No. 16-212.
BSA, Relationships Division, Publication Listing, No. 16-101 (Roman Catholic).
BSA, Relationships Division, Reaffirmation Statement: National Executive Board Resolution on "Duty to God", No. 5-884.
BSA, Relationships Division, Reaffirmation Statement: National Executive Board Resolution on "Duty to God", No. 5-910.
BSA, Relationships Division, Recommendations for St. George Emblem (adult), No. 16-132.
BSA, Relationships Division, Religious Emblems Counselor Training Guide, No. 16-170 (Roman Catholic).
BSA, Relationships Division, Religious Emblems Poster, No. 5-225 (1992).
BSA, Relationships Division, Religious Emblems Quick Reference Chart, No. 5-206 (1995).
BSA, Relationships Division, Religious Relationships Resource Manual, No. 5-215 (1990).
BSA, Relationships Division, Role of the Troop Chaplain - Chaplain Aide, No. 5-216A (1995)
BSA, Relationships Division, Scout Sabbath Services, No. 15-208.
BSA, Relationships Division, Scout Sunday Observance, No. 5-961 (1995)
BSA, Relationships Division, Scouting: A Good Place for Ministry, No. PS-J-95591 (1991).
BSA, Relationships Division, Scouting in Synagogues and Centers, No. 15-128 (1982).
BSA, Relationships Division, Scouting Interest cards, No. 15-103.
BSA, Relationships Division, Scouting in Your Parish (Bilingual), No. 16-211 (Roman Catholic).
BSA, Relationships Division, Scouting Serves the Jewish Community baseball caps (adult), No. 15-228.
BSA, Relationships Division, Scouting Serves the Jewish Community clip art, No. 2-214.
BSA, Relationships Division, Scouting Serves the Jewish Community mug, No. 15-223.
BSA, Relationships Division, Scouting Serves the Jewish Community patch, No. 15-224.
BSA, Relationships Division, Shofar Award Guidelines for Adults.
BSA, Relationships Division, St. George (Episcopal) Recognition for Adults (nomination), No. 17-108 (1992).
BSA, Relationships Division, Strengthening Families - Scouting Can Help (Chip Turner), No. 77-304
BSA, Relationships Division, Suggested Guidelines on a Scouting Policy in a Baptist Church, No. 77-036.
BSA, Relationships Division, Summer Opportunities as a Scout Camp Chaplain Poster, No. 5-207 (1990).
BSA, Relationships Division, Summertime Ministry as a Scout Camp Chaplain, No. 5-214 (1990).
BSA, Relationships Division, The Church Serves Children, Youth, and Families Through Scouting, No. 17-111 (1990).
BSA, Relationships Division, The New Scouting Emphasis: A Resource for Jewish Community Center Programs, No. 15-215 (1992).
BSA, Relationships Division, The Scout Chaplain's Orientation Workshop, No. 16-154 (Roman Catholic)
BSA, Relationships Division, The Sleeping Giant of Outreach, No. 77-033.
BSA, Relationships Division, The Role of the Troop Chaplain and the Chaplain Aide, No. 5-216A (1990).
BSA, Relationships Division, Tiger Cubs, BSA: A Scouting Program for First-Grade Boys of Jewish Faith, No. 15-240.
BSA, Relationships Division, Twelve Guidelines for Living - A Biblical Perspective on the Scout Law (Chip Turner), No. 77-053.
BSA, Relationships Division, Woods Wisdom, Jewish Program Themes, No. 15-232.
BSA, Relationships Division, Youth Ministry Exploring Folder, No. 5-938.
BSA, Supply Division, Aleph Emblem Requirement and Record Booklet, No. 33184.
BSA, Supply Division, Chaplain Patch, No. 00440.
BSA, Supply Division, Chaplain Aide Patch, No. 00443.
BSA, Supply Division, God and Church Counselor's Manual - Boy Scout or Varsity Scout, No. 33600.
BSA, Supply Division, God and Church Student Manual - Boy Scout or Varsity Scout, No. 33599.
BSA, Supply Division, God and Family Adult Mentor Program, No. 33595.
BSA, Supply Division, God and Family Counselor's Manual - Webelos Scout, No. 33598.
BSA, Supply Division, God and Family Student Manual - Webelos Scout, No. 33597.
BSA, Supply Division, God and Life Adult Mentor Program, No. 33605.
BSA, Supply Division, God and Life Combined Student/Counselor Manual - Older Boy Scouts and Explorers (through age 18), No. 33601.
BSA, Supply Division, God and Me Adult Mentor Program, No. 33606.
BSA, Supply Division, God and Me Counselor's Manual, No. 33603.
BSA, Supply Division, God and Me Student Manual - Tiger Cub or Cub Scout, No. 33604.
BSA, Supply Division, Lutheran Living Faith Counselor Manual, No. 33636.
BSA, Supply Division, Lutheran Living Faith Student Manual, No. 33637.
BSA, Supply Division, Maccabee Emblem Record Booklet, No. 7165.
BSA, Supply Division, Ner Tamid Emblem Requirements and Record Booklet, No. 33184.
BSA, Supply Division, Universal Religious Emblem Knot (Adult), No. 05014.
BSA, Supply Division, Universal Religious Emblem Knot (Youth), No. 05007.
Calvert, Walter Dudley, Prayers for Scouts, Abingdon Press: Nashville (1964) (Out of print, but sometime available locally).
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) National Association of Boy Scout, Girl Scout & Camp Fire Leaders (Pamphlet).
Commission for Church and Youth Serving Agencies, Pathways to Worship (1986).
Committee for Meher Baba and Scouting, Love for God: A Program for Students Ages 7 - 10.
Committee for Meher Baba and Scouting, Compassionate Father: A Program for Students of Meher Baba.
Diocese of the Armenian Church of America, The Ararat Award Program Book for Boy Scouts, Department of Religious Education, 630 2d Avenue, NY (1983).
Diocese of the Armenian Church of America, The St. Gregory Award Program Book for Cub Scouts - Webelos Scouts, Department of Religious Education, 630 2d Avenue, NY (1989).
Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting, Saint George Medal: Brownie Girl Scout/ Tiger Boy Scout Award.
Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting, Alpha-Omega Program Service Book: Religious Award Program for Boy Scouts/Explorers, Girl Scout Cadets/Seniors, Camp Fire Discovery/Horizon Members of the Eastern Orthodox Faith (1990)
Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting, Boy and Girl Scout Scholarship Program.
Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting, Chi-Rho Program Service Book: Religious Award Program for Cub Scouts, Camp Fire Adventurers, Girl Scout Juniors of the Eastern Orthodox Faith (1990)
Eidmann, Rev. Phillip Karl, Young People's Introduction to Buddhism, A Sangha Award Studybook for Shin Buddhist Scouts, Buddhist Churches of America: San Francisco (undated)
Episcopal Church Supplement, The (Special Supplement to the God and Church emblem).
Episcopal God and Country Commission, Suggested Guidelines (Guidance on establishing a diocesan Scouting organization).
Episcopal Scouting (Available at $6.00 a copy from Robert W. Rapp, 2043 Brannon Drive, S.W., Austell, Georgia 30001-2900 Telephone 1-404-948-8548).
Friends Committee on Scouting, That of God Emblem for Young Friends in the Second through Fifth Grades Enrolled in Cub Scouts or Girl Scouts/Guides (1989).
Friends Committee on Scouting, The Spirit of Truth Emblem for Young Friends in the Sixth through Twelfth Grades Who Are Involved in Boy Scout, Exploring, or Girl Scout/Guide Programs (1991).
General Church of the New Jerusalem, The New Church, A Brief View
Kennon, Donald R. and Mary Lee Kerr, The Flag of the United States and State Flags, Seals & Mottoes, United States Capitol Historical Society (1989).
LDS: Please see, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Linville, Norm, Pathways to Worship, Programs of Religious Activities with Youth (P.R.A.Y.): St. Louis (1986).
Lutheran Church Supplement, The (for the God and Church emblem)
Lutheran Committee on Civic Youth Agency Relationships, Lutheran Living Faith Candidate's Workbook (revised by Ted Schroeder) (1991).
Lutheran Committee on Civic Youth Agency Relationships, Lutheran Living Faith Counselor's Manual (revised by Ted Schroeder)(1993).
Lutheran Committee on Civic Youth Agency Relationships, Servant of Youth" Volunteer Adult Recognition (1993).
Lutheran Committee on Civic Youth Agency Relationships, The Lamb Award (1993).
Members of Churches of Christ for Scouting, Servant Leadership Series: Joyful Servant Serving God, Serving Others and Developing Self (1989).
Members of Churches of Christ for Scouting, Servant Leadership Series: Good Servant Serving God, Serving Others and Developing Self (1989).
Members of Churches of Christ for Scouting, Servant Leadership Series: Faithful Servant Serving God, Serving Others and Developing Self (1989).
Members of Churches of Christ for Scouting, Newsletter (Monthly).
Moravian Church, Religious Award Program for Scouts of the Moravian Church.
Moravian Church, Recommendation for The Order of David Zeisberger: The Religious Award of the Moravian Church for Distinguished Adult Service to Scouting.
National Armenian Committee on Scouting, Manual: The Armenian Saint Mesrob Emblem Program.
National Association of United Methodist Scouters (NAUMS), Building a Better Tomorrow through Church Scouting Today, No. OSM 607.
National Association of United Methodist Scouters; Saying Yes To the United Methodist Church, No. YES-5001 (1993).
National Association of Presbyterian Scouters (Brochure) (1991).
National Association of Presbyterian Scouters, The Presbyterian Unit Award of Excellence (1993).
National Buddhist Committee on Scouting, Information Folder and Application Blank: Buddhist Scout Sangha Award.
National Buddhist Committee on Scouting, The Metta Award for Buddhist Cub Scouts: Information Folder and Application Blank.
National Buddhist Committee on Scouting, Service Record Card (Sangha Award).
National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, A Strong Link - A Producing Partnership (NCCS & K of C), No. 3-188 (1989).
National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, A Scout Is Reverent: A Sourcebook for Scouts of Catholic Faith, No. 3075 (1995).
National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Ad Altare Dei: Counselor’s and Review Board Guide, No. 33073 (1994).
National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Ad Altare De: Scout Manual, No. 33094, (1994).
National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Annual Report on Scouting in the Catholic Church (Sept. 1992 - Aug. 1993)
National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Catholic Committee Workshop, No. 16-170 (1989).
National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Chaplain Aide Guide (1992) (Fr. John Fischer, St. Thomas More Church, 800 Ohio Place, Cincinnati, OH 45245).
National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Checklist: Council Catholic Committee, No. 16-157 (1988).
National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Field Trip To A Selected Seminary: A Weekend of Orientation, Dialogue, and Participation, No. 16-166 (1989).
National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Financing the Catholic Committee, No. 16-147 (1989).
National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Goals and Objective, No. 16-150 (1990).
National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Guidelines for Securing Leadership, No. 16-161A (1990).
National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Light Is Life Record Book (1980)
National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Light of Christ Activity Book, No. 30074 (1992).
National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Organizing New Units in Catholic Parishes: An Effective Council Approach, No. 16-159 (1994).
National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Organizing the Catholic Committee on Scouting, No. 16-160 (1989).
National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Opportunities Unlimited: Membership Management - Catholic Relationships Matter, No. 16-137 (1989).
National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Parvuli Dei Activity Book, No. 33085 (1995).
National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Pope Paul VI National Unit Recognition, No. 16-169 (1994).
National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Pope Pius XII Religious Emblem Scout Manual, No. 33076, Irving: Texas (1996).
National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Pope Pius XII Religious Emblem Moderator’s Guide and Board of Review Guide, No. 7133, Irving: Texas (1991).
National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Program Planning Guide, Catholic Committee on Scouting, No. 16-168 (1990).
National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Religous Emblems for Catholics, No. 16-436 (1995).
National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Religious Emblems Order Form for Diocesan Scout Chaplains, No. 16-155 (1995).
National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Religious Emblems Reference Manual (1996).
National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Recommendation for the Saint George Emblem, No. 16-132 (1994).
National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Scout Retreats: Outline for a Scout Retreat (1990) (available from Knights of Columbus Council 1702, Jonesboro, AR 72401).
National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Scouter Development: A Christian Leader Formation Program, No. 16-212 (1990).
National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Scouting in Your Parish, No. 16-211S (1993) (Bilingual English/Spanish).
National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Staff Guide to Scouter Development, No. 16-164 (1990).
National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, The Religious Principles of the Boy Scouts of America, No. 16-146 (1990).
National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Vocational Promotion Through Scouting Youth Ministry, No. 16-149 (1992).
National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Vocational Workshop for Catholic Leaders in Scouting, No. 16-162 (1994).
National Catholic Committee on Scouting, Boy Scouts of America, Your Parish Can Serve Children, Youth, Families Through Scouting, No. 16-429 (1994).
National Islamic Committee on Scouting, In the Name of God Emblem: Program for Boy Scouts, No. SYS201/3079a.
National Islamic Committee on Scouting, The Allaho Akber Award, No. SYS201/3078a.
National Islamic Committee on Scouting, The Bismillah Emblem: A Program for Cub Scouts, No. SYS201/3080a.
National Islamic Committee on Scouting, Scouting and Youth (1992).
National Jewish Committee on Scouting, Aleph Certificate
National Jewish Committee on Scouting, Eagle Scout Scholarship Program.
National Jewish Committee on Scouting, Guide for the Jewish Chaplain at Boy Scout Camp, No. 15-121.
National Jewish Committee on Scouting, Holiday Programs for Tiger Cub Partners and Cub Scout Leaders, No. 15-243 (1989).
National Jewish Committee on Scouting, Information on the Aleph Emblem
National Jewish Committee on Scouting, Information on the Maccabee Emblem
National Jewish Committee on Scouting, Maccabee Certificate
National Jewish Committee on Scouting, Ner Tamid Certificate
National Jewish Committee on Scouting, Scout Sabbath Services (1985).
National Lutheran Association of Scouters, Lutheran Recognition of Excellence: A Unit Award (1991).
National Lutheran Association of Scouters, Secure Your Future and Ours (1991).
National Lutheran Association of Scouters; The Lutheran Scouter (Quarterly Newsletter).
National Protestant Committee on Scouting, Scouting Ministry (Quarterly Newsletter).
National Protestant Committee on Scouting, When Scouts Worship: Worship Services, Guides, Resources, Hymns, Folk Songs, Fun Songs, Bethany Press: St. Louis (1968).
North American Hindu Association, Dharma
North American Hindu Association, Dharma Logbook
Orthodox Scouting Commission: Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting, Prophet Elias Adult Recognition Program.
Polish National Catholic Church Committee on Scouting, Bog I Ojczyzna or God and Country Award Service Record Book (1969).
Polish National Catholic Church Committee on Scouting, Information Folder.
Polish National Catholic Church Committee on Scouting, Love of God (Milosc Boga) Award for Cub Scouts: Service Record Book (1994).
P.R.A.Y., Pathways to Worship Song Leader (Cassette Tape) (1986).
P.R.A.Y., Religious Growth Programs for Youth and Adults (1996)
P.R.A.Y., Religious Recognitions from P.R.A.Y.: An Information/Training Resource (1996)
P.R.A.Y., The God and Service Adult Recognition, No. 17-107 (1989).
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Join World Community Exploring My Life and World The Program for Senior Highs Ages 15-18.
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Join World Community Liahona The Program for Junior Highs ages 11-14.
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Join World Community Light of the World The Program for Juniors Ages 8-10.
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Kay and Don Ewing), World Community Liahona: A Junior High Adventure ages 11-14.
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Kay and Don Ewing), World Community Liahona, Counselor's Manual: A Junior High Adventure ages 11-14.
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Kay Sheridan), World Community Exploring My Life and World: A Senior High Adventure ages 15-18.
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Kay Sheridan), World Community Exploring My Life and World, Counselor's Manual: A Senior High Adventure ages 15-18.
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Carol Braby), World Community Light of the World: An Adventure for Juniors Ages 8-10.
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Carol Braby), World Community Light of the World, Counselors Manual: An Adventure for Juniors Ages 8-10.
Symmank, Leo, Scouts Worship, National Lutheran Association of Scouters (1992).
Tarascio, Sara, ed., God Bless America, Salesian Missions (1991).
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, A Bridge to the Future LDS/BSA Eighty Years of Partnership 1913-1993 (1993) (Describes the relationship between the Boy Scouts of America and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints).
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, LDS Church Distribution Center, Application and record for Faith in God Cub Scout Religious Award, PXPR1044.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, LDS Church Distribution Center, Application and record for adult On My Honor, PFAP0234.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, LDS Church Distribution Center, Application and record for On My Honor recognition, PFAP0278.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, LDS Church Distribution Center, Scouting Handbook: Relationships between The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the Boy Scouts of America, Corporation of the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: Salt Lake City, Utah (1985).
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, LDS Church Distribution Center, LDS Activity Book.
The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, God and Country Program for Cub Scouts and Junior Girl Scouts Who Are Christian Scientists, No. 3314 (1993).
The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, God and Country Program for Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts Who Are Christian Scientists, No. No. 3314 (1993)
The Salvation Army, God and Family, by Nancy Hughes, edited by Leroy Kettinger, Bethany Press: St. Louis (1976).
The Salvation Army, God and Family Counselor/Leader Manual, by William E. Pearce, Bethany Press: St. Louis (1976).
The Salvation Army, God and Life, by Gwen Harper, Bethany Press; St. Louis (1976)
The Salvation Army, God and Life Counselor/Leader Manual, by William E. Pearce, Bethany Press: St. Louis (1976).
The Salvation Army, God and the Salvation Army, by R. Robert Cueni, edited by Robert L. Conrad, Bethany Press: St. Louis (1976).
The Salvation Army, God and the Salvation Army Counselor/Leader Manual, by William E. Pearce,, Bethany Press: St. Louis (1976).
The Salvation Army, Scouters Award: Statement of Purpose and Official Recommendation For (1989).
The Salvation Army, The Silver Crest Emblem for Cub Scouts of the Salvation Army.
Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations (Jill Bauer), Love & Help (1984)
Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations, Religion and Youth Nomination Form (1995).
Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations (Wayne B. Arnason, Ed. Joseph Shea), Religion in Life: A Program of Study, Reflection and Action in Religious Living, 3d ed. (1993)
Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations (ed. William F. Schulz), The Unitarian Universalist Pocket Guide (1993).
United Church of Christ Supplement(for God and Church emblem)
United Methodist Church, Civic Youth Serviing Agencies/Scouting, Civic Youth Serving Agencies/Scouting Packet, No. CYS-500 (1995) (Replaces OSM and YES material) Includes:
Duties: CYSA/Scouting Coordinator
Leaders and Faith Modeling
National Association of United Methodist Scouters Application for Membership
Saying Yes to the United Methodist Church
The Bishop’s Award of Excellence Brochure and Application
The Cross and Flame Brochure and Application
The Torch Award Brochure and Application
United Methodist Church, Office of Scouting Ministry, District Coordinator of Scouting Ministry, No. OSM-303.
United Methodist Church, Office of Scouting Ministry, National Association of United Methodist Scouters - Building a Better Tomorrow Through Church Scouting Today, No. OSM-607.
United Methodist Church, Office of Scouting Ministry, Rationale for the God and Country Program, No. OSM-401.
United Methodist Church, Office of Scouting Ministry, Scouting as an Educational Ministry, No. OSM-101.
United Methodist Church, Office of Scouting Ministry, Scouting United Methodist Style brochure, No. OSM-606.
United Methodist Church Supplement (for God and Church emblem)
United Methodist Church, Office of Scouting Ministry, That Values May Endure brochure, No. OSM-501.
United Methodist Church, Office of Scouting Ministry, Using the God and Country Program Series in the Local Church, No. OSM-402.
United Methodist Church, Youth Engaging Services, Awards, Recognitions, and Dinners, YES-5006.
United Methodist Church, Youth Engaging Services, Faith Models, YES-5004.
United Methodist Church, Youth Engaging Services, Foundation, YES-5007.
United Methodist Church, Youth Engaging Services, Saying YES to the United Methodist Church, No. YES-5001.
United Methodist Church, Youth Engaging Services, Let's Get Started, YES-5002.
United Methodist Church, Youth Engaging Services, PRAY, YES-5005.
United Methodist Church, Youth Engaging Services, Youth Engaging Services & Scouting Ministries Handbook (1993).
United Methodist Church, Youth Engaging Services, Youth Ministry Explorer Post, YES-5013).
World Almanac and Book of Facts 1998, Funk & Wagnalls: Mahwah, NJ (1997) (Dates of religious observances)
Ziglar, Zig, Baptists and Scouting Building Values Together.
Zoroastrian Association of Greater New York, Good Life Religious Emblem Administrative Council, The Good Life; An Introduction to the Religion of Zarathushtra.
Zoroastrian Association of Greater New York, Good Life Religious Emblem Administrative Council, The Good Life Through Action.
Zoroastrian Association of Greater New York, Good Life Religious Emblem Administrative Council, The Good Life Zoroastrian Emblem.