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Backcountry ski and snowboard gear, camping

Provided with permission from the Chicago Sun-Times:


America's new war on terrorism demonstrates why the Boy Scouts of America program is more relevant than ever. Are we all as prepared as the scouts for the threats of the 21st century?

Recently, the media published lists of items every household should have for an emergency preparedness kit. Our household already has every item on the list plus, a few others from a scouting program on emergency preparedness. Do you know the best way to escape a burning building?

Scouts do. Scouts learn fire safety and preparedness.

How well do you know first aid? Last May one of our scouters was unexpectedly called upon to render first aid in a remote location before transporting the injured for professional care. Later, the paramedic ranger visited our camp and complimented us on the quality of the dressing.

Water supply contaminated? One of the first things a scout learns is the many ways to make water safe for drinking. Many scout families already have water filters at home for camping that filter out the bacteria and viruses.

If the transportation system breaks down, how well would you be able to travel? Scouts learn how to travel long distances on foot quite comfortably. They call it backpacking.

If your electricity or gas becomes disrupted, how would you cook a meal? One of the first things a scout learns is how to cook over a wood fire. I have had many gourmet meals on scout trips.

Most youths join the scouting program for the fun and not specifically to learn survivor skills for adulthood. As one of our old Boy Scout Commissioners described in a speech, when he was a Scoutmaster in the 1960's, many of his scouts went to Vietnam. They all returned.

If you want your family prepared for the new threats of the 21st Century, have your son join Boy Scouts. Have your teen daughters join a scout Venture patrol.

Today Scouting is more relevant that ever before.

Edward Ronkowski, Mokena, IL

(NOTE: Venturing is the Boy Scouts of America's program for teenaged youth, male and female. The Venturing program is organized differently than a Boy Scout Troop, with a Crew instead of Patrols. We are sure that the writer intended for females to become members of Venturing Crews since females may not serve as members of Boy Scout Venture Patrols in a Troop.

We thank the Chicago Sun-Times for allowing us to share this column with all of you and ask you NOT to forward or copy this story to Scouting forums or groups... Please copy the URL as we do NOT have permission to distribute this story but merely to place it as an additional tool to assist your units in recruiting and retaining youth members.)


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