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Ranger Award Medal

Ranger Award Elective Requirements

Project C.O.P.E. COPE

These requirements became effective on June 1, 2014.

To see the requirements without the changes highlighted, Click here.

To see the previous requirements, Click here.

  1. Project COPE
    Do 1, 2, or 3. a, b, or c.
    1. 1. Complete and teach courses.
      1. a. Complete a BSA Project COPE course including both low and high initiatives. (Project COPE stands for Challenging Outdoor Personal Experience and is an outdoor course available through most Boy Scout BSA local councils. It usually involves a weekend of team building using group initiative games and low and high ropes course obstacles. This is an excellent crew activity.)
      2. b. After you have personally been through a COPE course, help run at least two other COPE courses.
    2. 2. Attend BSA camp the BSA's National Camping school and successfully complete the COPE director's course.
    3. 3. Complete a hands-on outdoor education course through a college or university of at least 80 hours.

Source: Venturing Awards and Requirements (34784 - SKU 618767) and

Page updated on: November 28, 2017

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